Tuesday, 9 October 2012

XSS Filter Bypassing Techniques

Sometimes a simple XSS query just won't do the trick. The reason your query isn't working, is because the website has a WAF or Filter set in place. A filter will block as many XSS and SQLi queries as possible. In this case, we're dealing with XSS.

There are many ways on bypassing XSS filters, but I will only explain a few.

--XSS CrOss Site ScriPting

What is Xss?


The full name for Xss is cross site scripting.
You can take this name literally. Because we inject right into the site/ into the inputs.
Changing/editing html. which gives us the advantage to gather user information if they click the malicious input!.cross site scripting is injecting javascript and html into the inputs of a site.

     What is a cookie?