Tuesday, 9 October 2012

XSS Filter Bypassing Techniques

Sometimes a simple XSS query just won't do the trick. The reason your query isn't working, is because the website has a WAF or Filter set in place. A filter will block as many XSS and SQLi queries as possible. In this case, we're dealing with XSS.

There are many ways on bypassing XSS filters, but I will only explain a few.

Hex Bypassing
With blocked characters like >, <, and /, it is quite difficult to execute an XSS query. Not to worry, there's always a solution :) You can change your characters, into Hex. A Hex of a certain character, is basically the character, but in a different format. These should help you out:

> = %3c
< = %3c
/ = %2f


                                                      You want to hex the script


                                    Now add this to your vulnerable site like below:​2%69%70%74%3e

ASCII Bypassing
With an ASCII encryption, we can use the character ". Which is blocked quite a bit. This is one of the most common XSS Filter bypasses of all time. A script that you would need to encrypt, would look like this:



To encrypt your little part of a script, go to this site: I use that site, and find it quite useful.

Case-Sensitive Bypassing
This kind of bypass rarely works, but it's always worth a shot. Some filters are set in place to detect certain strings, however, the filter's strings that are blocked are CASE SENSITIVE. So all we need to do, is execute a script, with different sizes of characters. This bypass, would look like this:


You can also mix that with ASCII encryption if you like. This kind of bypass only works on really stupid filters, or really REALLY old ones.

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